If you know your HIV status, you can look after yourself and other people better. If you have received a positive result on a HIV test, you can start treatment to stop you from getting ill or passing on HIV.

When should I be tested for HIV?

Generally, people who are sexually active should get a HIV test every 12 months, but this will be more often (every 3 months) if you are having sex with multiple people. You should also be tested when you have a new sexual partner, or if you think you have been exposed to HIV.

Where can I get a HIV test?

You can get a HIV test at your GP or a sexual health (GUM) clinic in Liverpool.

You can also book for an in-person HIV test with BHA for Equality if you are Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic residents of Liverpool City Region, aged 18 and over.

Self-Sampling Kit

You can get free postal tests for self tests.  Postal tests involve you taking a small sample of blood yourself at home, and post it to a lab to be tested.

You can collect a free self-sampling kit at any of our outreach stalls across Liverpool.

Follow our social media for more info.

Get Support From Us

BHA For Equality

0330 128 1186

Free & confidential sexual health services for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities.

George House Trust

0161 274 4499

Free & confidential support, advice and advocacy services for people living with HIV.

LGBT Foundation

0345 3 30 30 30

Providing advice, support and resources for LGBT people to take control of their sexual health and wellbeing.

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